Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Food and my religion

      In response to Lexie's assignment I have many ideas about food and my religion. I was raised in a Christian household and raised in a Methodist church (Methodist is just a branch of Christianity). Something about the Methodist community for those that don't know is their go to for social gatherings is pot lucks! We love gathering around food and talking. Every since I can remember my life has been filled with social events and pot lucks at the church.

        Growing up in this environment my life was changed upside down when I was at one of these pot lucks and I was 8 years old. Earlier in my life I was a pretty chunky child and I loved food. While at this pot luck an elderly woman in our church (Rosemary Chamberlin) brought in these things called cheesy potatoes. I decided to give the cheesy potatoes a whirl...and man did I ever. I rividly recall return to the line for at least eighths of these glorious form of potatoes. Ever since that day I have never been to a church pot luck without having cheesy potatoes. Now I can never eat cheesy potatoes without thinking of a church pot luck.


  1. Haha, I know them all too well too. My dad's parents were serious Baptists and they had potlucks at their church too. My dad still makes cheesy potatoes every now and then, usually with barbecue ribs or something.

  2. It seems potlucks are a common element of lots of different protestant christian denominations.

  3. I recall my Grandma making a few amazing dishes, cheesy potatoes being one of them, she was raised Lutheran and converted to Catholicism when she married my Grandpa. Her food was amazing.
