Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Loaves and Fishes

Tomorrow our class is taking a field trip to Loaves and Fishes of Kalamazoo. I would like to start off by saying that I am very excited about the trip. I have done some research about the organization and was impressed by what I read.Loaves and Fishes is an organization founded by several different local churches in the area. Its main goal is to feed hungry people and engage the community in the fight to end hunger.
     It seems to be a Christian organization which I find to be very cool being a fellow Christian myself. I think the need for an organization like Loaves and Fishes in Kalamazoo is crucial! Many times we think of starvation and hunger as problems that only third world countries face. When in reality this is a problem that is happening on the streets we walk, and the schools we learn in. Loaves and Fishes is a charitable food network that distributes groceries to hungry people in Kalamazoo County through food-specific programming and services. They collect their food through donation from the public, often school food drives. They collect about 2 million pounds of food annually, which is AWESOME! But food is not the only donation that is appreciated. They also need money to pay the workers and acquire the rest of the food they need.
     I am very excited for this trip tomorrow and everything we will be learning.


  1. I agree that when most people hear that people are starving that they think of third world countries and not really their own communities. some people might not realize that there are people in their own backyards that are also struggling.

  2. Right! You and our guide made an excellent point in saying that we can't easily recognize someone who needs grocery assistance. People who look like us and probably ARE us rely on food pantries all the time. It's also really disheartening to hear that people are embarrassed to get help, but I'm glad Loaves and Fishes tries to resolve these feelings within their clients.
