Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nutrition and Corporations

While reading another 100 pages of Marion's Food Politics book, I kind of became appalled at what I read. There was a section about nutrition journals, and the sponsors of nutrition journals. As I read deeper into this it explained large corporations pull on nutrition journals. It turns out that the articles we read in these journals are being influenced big time by these large corporations because they sponsor these journals to be published.

            Keeping this in mind you probably realize the effect this has on the journal. It results in the journal making the product of whatever company may be sponsoring sound much better for you than it actually is. Some of the huge companies that where listed where Coca-cola, Kraft, Nestle, and more. This just goes to show how much of an influence money has on this world. Just like the influencing the government and USDA, these large food corporations even strongly influence nutrition journals, that many people believe are helping them while reading them.
             In these journals there will even be massive ads for the company. These ads target people of all ages from kids to adults. Because whats better than showing a huge COKE bottle when you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle?  This is just another testament to money being the most powerful thing in the world. What else could be just as equally powerful as money? you may ask. Well the answer is the people who have the money. 


  1. I wrote about the same thing in my blog and I thought the same thing. It's crazy that these corporations are sponsoring nutrition journals that supply people with nutrition facts. Just because they have money, they are able to influence they way they are perceived. Very appalling.

  2. This would definitely make me skeptical as to trusting what nutrition journals say... Money plays a bigger part in food than I previously thought, I suppose.

  3. Wow now I have to think even harder about what I'm actually purchasing!!
